Rotary Club of Carbondale-Breakfast

For comments or more information.
1 Aug 14 mdb

Scholarships Awarded

Each year the Rotary Club of Carbondale-Breakfast awards three scholarships to graduating seniors at Carbondale Community High School, as follows:

Students apply for these awards through the Guidance Department at Carbondale Community High School. The amount of each scholarship is as much as $1000. Each award is good for one year. Once the student is admitted to his/her chosen school and provides that evidence to the Club's Treasurer, the funds are placed in the student's bursar account to cover educational expenses encountered during the initial year.

Scholarship recipients are selected because they reflect the object and ideals of Rotary: *

To help the Rotarians become personally acquainted with each scholar, the scholarship recipients are requested to attend a regular meeting of the Rotary Club of Carbondale-Breakfast within two months following the CCHS award ceremony. The Club meets every Tuesday (7-8 AM) at the Varsity Center for the Arts.

* The object and ideals of Rotary encourage the view that our work, our acquaintances, and our personal lives all afford opportunities for service. High ethical standards are encouraged in all aspects of a Rotarian's life. By constituting a worldwide fellowship of people united in these ideals, Rotary fosters international peace, understanding, and goodwill.